
China Articles

Fertility rates in the developed world are falling rapidly. For population stability, the broadly accepted figure is 2.1 children per woman. The global fertility rate is just above this figure at 2.3...
24/7 Wall St. Insights: The F-22 Raptor is by far one of the most advanced aircraft in the world The Chinese J-20 rivals the Raptor in several ways Chinese military aircraft are capable of carrying a...
24/7 Wall St. Insights: The Chengdu J-20 is the newest stealth fighter jet to come out of China Out of all fifth generation fighter jets the J-20 can carry the biggest payload Payload is one of the...
By the letter of the law, the Korean War is still ongoing. The fighting ended in 1953 and the Korean Demilitarized Zone was formed near the 38th parallel. Today, an uneasy truce exists between the...
July 9-11, 2024, the 32 members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization met in Washington D.C. to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the alliance. Far from just a ceremonial event, the summit is...
China has made incredible strides in terms of advancing its military strength over the past few decades. Notably, it has added aircraft carriers to its navy and a number of fighter jets to its air...
The recent NATO summit at the White House served to address the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe as Russia and Ukraine are still in a hot conflict. The summit also addressed the fact that China and...
The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a de facto independent nation in diplomatic limbo. Very few of the world’s nations recognize Taiwan as a country and that small number diminishes further every...