
China Articles

It is not unusual for stocks to sell off when there are major illness outbreaks or other global scares, but this is one of those situations when the current consensus is that things are more likely...
As with almost all pandemic scares and other national and global issues, some speculative stocks manage to see their shares rise sharply.
The Wuhan Coronavirus has escaped China, with the number of cases and the death toll rising. The economic impact beyond the loss of life and suffering is real in many stocks, sectors and local...
Rarely does a disease spread fast enough and is labeled dangerous enough that it quickly gets the attention of the World Health Organization. A coronavirus, which has killed dozens of people in China...
The Wuhan Coronavirus has already left China and hit neighboring countries, the U.S. and even in Europe in Australia. As the death toll and number of infected are rising each hour, the economic...
New research shows that several members of the coronavirus family are susceptible to inactivation via a system developed by biomedical products company Cerus.
China is facing an outbreak of the coronavirus, which may have spread to a few other countries in Asia. As a result, experimental vaccine stocks are skyrocketing.
With a slowing economy and with trade tensions with the United States high in 2019, China's growth rate came in at 30-year lows.
There is a widely held belief that as American companies turned to inexpensive manufacturing in China, millions of workers lost their jobs. Will the trade deal bring back those lost jobs? Does it...
Tesla's success continues to be a miracle to some industry experts. It was supposed to be too small to beat large car companies with big balance sheets and dealer networks.
Tesla shares have absolutely exploded in the past six months, and the cult of Elon Musk is growing, due to many exciting developments from Tesla recently, including the Cybertruck.
Investors can use a number of exchange-traded funds to invest in the volatile semiconductor industry.
Tesla and its chief rival in China, Nio, are gearing up for a head-on collision in the Chinese market for a compact, all-electric crossover.
Pintec Technology shares nearly doubled on Friday after the firm announced an agreement with China Unicom to expand its offerings.
China is absolutely critical to U.S. car manufacturers. It is the largest car market in the world, as it moved ahead of the American market in 2009.