
China Articles

Merrill Lynch is rather bullish on several top steel stocks, citing several issues that are driving the steel bulls.
One more company believes it can beat Tesla at the luxury electric car business. But Tesla not only has the lead in that business, it also as a bank roll.
Apple claims it has created and supported some 4.8 million jobs in China. That's more than twice as many as it takes credit for creating and supporting in the United States.
In what should trigger an increase in mobile device use in the world's largest mobile market, China will eliminate roaming charges and long distance fees as of October 1.
China has decided to enforce air pollution regulations more aggressively. Among the tactics is will employee is restrictions to use of cars and light trucks in large cities during period when...
China is building its own Silicon Valley, according to Tencent's chairman. But does China have what it takes?
China is looking to breakthrough in 2017 by harnessing high-performance processors and other key technologies to build the world's first prototype exascale supercomputer, the Tianhe-3.
China is planning to build 74 new airports in its smaller cities between now and 2020. The new airports will require new planes and Boeing sees a vast opportunity in China over the next 20 years.
The number of people who use connected 4G devices in China reached 770 million last year, well over twice the U.S. population. No wonder China has become a bloody battleground for markets of...
The SEC has announced that it obtained an emergency court order freezing brokerage accounts that held over $29 million in illegal profits reaped from insider trading in advance of the acquisition of...
Apple's 2016 sales in China drop 23%, but the company remains the fourth-ranked volume sales leader in the country.
WeChat, the China instant messaging service, says 46 billion of its "electronic red envelops" were sent over the Chinese New Year holiday. Each of these contains money sent as a gift.
The more speed, latency, gaming, cloud computing, storage and streaming demand of the internet, the more the top companies working on the metro build-outs and 100G may continue to blow out earnings.
The argument continues to be made that America's trade relationship with China has cost the United States jobs. It is one of the debates at the core of the new administration's plans to bring back...
Alibaba tops profit and revenue estimates in the third quarter and raises revenue guidance from annual growth of 48% to 53%.