
Cities Articles

 You can’t put a price on love, but you can put a price on marriage, or at least the wedding with which it begins. The average U.S. wedding cost $31,213 in 2014. That’s a lot of money,...
ThinkstockWhile there is little or no sign of the success of Detroit’s program to sell homes for as little as $1,000, the opportunity continues. The Detroit Land Bank Authority may claim the fact...
Fresno, Calif., got another black eye, as Gallup has named it the city where people are least likely to feel safe and secure.
As Baltimore disintegrates due to violence, it is worth looking at how different the city is from its home state of Maryland.
ThinkstockWell-being captures the happiness of individuals. Not only are happier workers often more productive, but a healthy economy can also improve the well-being of an area’s residents. The...
In February,the jobless rate in El Centro, Calif., was 21.3%, the only city where the rate is still above 20%. It is also located at the center of the California drought map.
The U.S. population rose by just 0.75% in 2014, roughly flat from previous years and the lowest growth rate in more than 70 years. Not only has the country become less attractive to immigrants than...
The U.S. population rose by just 0.75% in 2014, roughly flat from previous years and the lowest growth rate in more than 70 years. Not only has the country become less attractive to immigrants than...
The recession has passed for most of America, but there are 16 American metro areas where the jobless rate remains in the double digits.
New York City is not only the largest in the United States, it is also the worst for job creation, according to new data from Gallup.
Here is a look at Ferguson, Mo., by the numbers, at least according to federal government data.
Sunday was International Women’s Day, meant to celebrate achievements among women, and promote greater equality around the world. The United States is doing well in some areas, but continues to...
Hotels in New York City were only able to raise rates 1% last year, compared with 15% in Nashville, the highest increase among the top 50 markets.
thinkstock.comApproximately 8.7 million U.S. jobs were lost during the Great Recession between 2007 and 2009. While all those jobs have been recovered, the nation’s unemployment rate remains above...
With nearly a month of winter left, 2015 is already the coldest winter since 1979. Cities as far south as Washington, D.C., have seen subzero temperatures while others have been ravaged by snow....