civil war

civil war Articles

For as long as there have been wars, there have been people opposed to war. The ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes put a comic spin on the idea back in 411 B.C. with his “Lysistrata,” in which...
The dictionary defines “strategy” as “a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal.” In military terms, of course, the goal is almost always victory over the enemy, or at least...
Every soldier fears dying in combat. But in the Civil War, being taken prisoner was nearly as life-threatening, with contagious illnesses spreading like wildfire in unsanitary prison camps. How many...
The Civil War was the bloodiest conflict in American history. An estimated 620,000 men – including an unknown number of women – fighting for the Union and the Confederacy were killed, about 2% of...
A poll of U.S. adult citizens conducted in August 2022 by the Economist and YouGov found that two out of five respondents said they thought a civil war was at least somewhat likely in this country in...
Approximately 2.4 million soldiers were engaged in the Civil War, with around 1.56 million fighting for the North and an estimated 800,000 for the South (although Confederate records remain...
To boost tourism, America’s cities tout their history, restaurant scene, funky neighborhoods, entertainment venues, and sports teams. They usually aren’t shy about mentioning paranormal activity,...
Today, many national, state, and local parks are admired for their beautiful scenery and recreational perks. But you may be surprised to learn that a number of these parks actually began as military...
General is the top rank in the Army, Marines, and Air Force nowadays. The highest rank currently attainable in the military is four-star general, though there were five-star generals in WWII like...
During the Civil War, many American cities and towns were intentionally destroyed as part of military strategy. Burning enemy cities served to disrupt supply lines and lower civilian morale....
In the years before the start of the Civil War, marked by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, the U.S. military was already constructing defensive fortifications around major cities, often along...
What was life in America like a century or more ago? We can read about it, of course, in books and articles written at the time as well as in the works of historians of the period. But fortunately,...
The number of countries moving toward authoritarianism is more than double the number moving toward democracy, according to the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral...