consumer sentiment

consumer sentiment Articles

Back-to-school shopping has helped boost retail sales, but BofA analysts expect to see a drop-off next month that will not pick up until the holiday season.
If Americans can worry themselves into a recession, current consumer sentiment indicates that has started to happen.
While much of the national attention is still focused on the coronavirus, consumer sentiment was not. It really boils down to politics.
The University of Michigan has released its preliminary reading on consumer sentiment for November. The results were far weaker than expected.
A new survey indicates that customer satisfaction with internet retailers fell more than in any other retail sector between April and September.
Consumer sentiment rose again in September according to the University of Michigan's monthly survey. The optimism is not evenly distributed among households, however.
24/7 Wall St. has tracked Friday's reports, and there seems to be a slight divergence of what the consumer sentiment report looks like against actual consumer spending patterns.
According to the University of Michigan's preliminary September consumer sentiment survey, Americans are more upbeat about the U.S. economy, but the upcoming election and an approved COVID-19 vaccine...
The University of Michigan survey of consumer sentiment rose month over month in August but remains sharply lower than a year ago.
Consumer sentiment has increased by just a fraction of a point according to the preliminary August report from the University of Michigan consumer survey.
The final reading for July from the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index revealed a 7.2% month-over-month drop in consumer sentiment and a decline of more than 26% compared to July of last...
The University of Michigan index of consumer sentiment rose for the second month in a row in June, but remains about 20% lower than at the same point last year.
The University of Michigan Survey of Consumer Sentiment rose for the second month in a row, according to the early June report.
As U.S. cities and states begin to relax stay-at-home orders, the real test of how quickly the country's economy can recover depends on how willing people are to resume their normal activities. That...
The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index plunged month over month, the largest drop in nearly 50 years.