consumer spending

consumer spending Articles

The Federal Reserve releases its report on consumer credit with a one-month lag, but there may finally be some good news for the economy here on this front.
American Express announced Monday morning that it is now offering a co-branded credit card with a new, U.S.-based "loyalty coalition" called Plenti.
The National Retail Federation forecasts Mother's Day retail spending will reach more than $21 billion, up sharply from last year and the highest level since its research about spending on the...
A company called Postmates wants to rule the world of the home delivery of fast food -- literally. This means on-demand delivery in every major city in the world.
In a new report, Argus has featured several stocks in its coverage universe that are being reshaped by the age group known as millennials.
What are economists and investors supposed to think when inflation remains low, yet consumers just do not really want to buy the goods that drive the economy?
Whether U.S. consumers are purchasing a new car or a used model, the odds are very high that an auto loan is involved.
If anyone needs confirmation that gasoline prices have risen, it comes from the news that now only two states have gas prices under $2 a gallon.
ThinkstockThere is some mixed news today on the state of the average American’s financial situation. Some might say this is a glass half-full versus half-empty argument. Most Americans have solid...
Owning a piece of the credit card industry has turned out to be a very lucrative business for those investors who have had a long-term eye on the sector.
Historically, industries in the consumer staples arena are the real beneficiaries of a drop in oil prices, especially when the savings rate rises.
Gasoline prices have risen 21 cents in a month. If the rise continues, the benefit to consumers of low prices will fade.
Among the big-box stores, Wal-Mart had the most likes, comments and shares on social media, with more than 40 million in the 2014 holiday shopping season.
Apple's market cap is now larger than those of General Electric, Wal-Mart, General Motors and McDonald's combined.
ThinkstockWith falling gas prices, accelerated job growth and low interest rates all currently in play, you would think that consumer spending would increase. The natural outcome should be for...