consumer spending

consumer spending Articles

Income tax refund levels are so strong this year that they might join lower gasoline prices to further improve consumer spending.
Moviegoers want lower ticket prices. This obvious conclusion is part of a new study by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Wall Street and Main Street are both rightfully disappointed by a weak retail sales report for December.
Coca-Cola stock underperformed the broader indexes in 2014, and analysts generally see another lackluster year for 2015. That being said, analysts are not always right.
Rising employment and lower gasoline prices both pumped some life into this year’s holiday shopping season, but there are going to winners and losers when the dust finally settles.
IBM Digital Analytics tracks nationwide retail sales throughout the holidays, and its survey indicates online sales rose 8.3% on Christmas Day.
Walmart is kicking off an offer that begins on Christmas Day that will allow consumers to exchange a gift card they received for a Walmart gift card.
So far, $48.3 billion has been spent online in the United States, according to comScore, a 15% gain from a year ago.
The U.S. Department of Commerce has released the numbers for personal income and spending for the month of November.
It is either a sign that sales have been poor and retailers are going all-out to pick up more revenue any way they can, or it is a sign that sales have been good and retailers figure why not grab as...
Retailers don’t call the last Saturday before Christmas “super” for no reason. More than a third of shoppers polled plan to be out shopping again.
GDP could be damaged as much by the weather as by problems outside America. It happened in the first quarter of 2014 and could easily happen again.
While many Americans believe that unemployment and gridlock in Washington have gone a long way to ruin this year, much of the population does not see it that way.
For three consecutive quarters, the American Customer Satisfaction Index has been declining, and the drop in the third quarter could indicate weak spending growth for the important fourth.
For all intents and purposes, Black Friday was transformed into Black November this year, with promotional pricing kicking in for some retailers right after Halloween.