consumer spending

consumer spending Articles

ThinkstockPersonal income and spending data do not exactly give the brightest picture for the month of April. Friday’s report from the U.S. Department of Commerce showed that personal income rose...
ThinkstockA Census Bureau report released Thursday puts more precise numbers than ever before on the e-retail revolution. According to the Bureau’s newly published “County Business Patterns:...
A recent Bloomberg poll suggests that most Target customers are willing to forgive the massive data breach that came to light over this past holiday season.
Churchilldowns.comThe Kentucky Derby is one of those events that pulls in viewers who never even bother with watching horse racing any other days of the year. It is also represented as the oldest...
Wikimedia CommonsGroupon Inc. (NASDAQ: GRPN), the struggling e-commerce coupon company, has become desperate enough to expand its business model. Part of this expansion includes pre-packaged...
ThinkstockWith all the funny money printed and quantitative easing measures after the recession, it has been amazing that the cost of goods has not risen through the roof. In fact, it has baffled...
Procter & Gamble managed to turn in a profit gain of less than 2%, due to lower expenses -- a theme that is very common yet again this earnings season. Unfortunately, its revenue was basically...
American Express Co. (NYSE: AXP) is finding a mixed reception after its earnings report. The higher-end credit card issuer reported a 16% earnings gain to $1.33 in earnings per share versus...
ThinkstockIn what has become almost a daily pattern, gasoline prices have risen again, reaching $3.653 as the average price for a gallon of regular nationwide. The comparable price for premium...
ThinkstockThe Federal Reserve has released its report on consumer credit for the month of February. In February, consumer credit increased at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 6.5%. Revolving...
ThinkstockSeveral major surveys of gasoline prices show that the average price of a gallon of regular has reached an eight-month high. Depending on the source, that price is about $3.60. All signs...
courtesy of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) has started to offer a series of large discounts on consumer electronics. The move gives it a chance to steal market share from...
ThinkstockCalifornia recently has taken the largest hit in the sharp increase in gasoline prices. The average price of a gallon of regular in the nation’s largest state sits at $3.99. However, in...
It's just not CBS Sports that is a loser if Tiger Woods does not play in the Masters Golf Tournament, though without him ratings will be merely pedestrian. Also losing out are Woods's sponsors.
ThinkstockWe now have the report for personal income and spending for the month of February. This data is now effectively a month old, so we were only expecting the news to move markets if it was way...