consumer spending

consumer spending Articles

The data on consumer spending and consumer confidence continues to be mixed, although the trends increasingly appear negative. Economists say that these numbers are directionally correct. However, so...
A Gallup poll taken last month showed that confidence in the economy has fallen to its lowest level since March 2009, which was near the low point of The Great Recession. A growing and vocal minority...
Consumers have lost faith in the recovery to the extent to which they are unwilling to spend money. There is no evidence that joblessness has risen in the last six weeks, or that wages have dropped...
Yahoo! Finance: BofA chief meets top officials $BAC MarketWatch: U.S. retail sales climb 0.5% in July; May and June figures upwardly revised CNNMoney:...
Reams of new data from China show that its economy has begun to slow. Inflation for April was 5.3%–modest by Chinese standards. Information on industrial output and loans also indicated that...
Twitter  has, by most estimates, 175 million members, which makes it one of the largest social networks in the world. All major media companies are on Twitter and some have more than one million...
Twitter  has, by most estimates, 175 million members, which makes it one of the largest social networks in the world. All major media companies are on Twitter and some have more than one million...
Most estimates are that there will be a very modest rise in consumer spending this holiday season which either began at the start of November or will begin the Friday after Thanksgiving, depending on...
Consumer spending is down. That statement is true based on most data collected by the government and private sector. The mystery and misery for retailers and the general economy is when, if ever, the...