corn prices

corn prices Articles

The worst drought in 56 years now threatens crops in a vast swath of the U.S. midsection, running from Indiana to the Sierras. The seasonal outlook through September shows about 70% of the country...
The US Department of Agriculture released its weekly drought monitor today, noting that rainfall in some parts of the US last week did almost nothing to alleviate the hardest-hit areas: [O]nly a few...
It’s raining in Chicago today, and traders at the CBOT are behaving like it’s raining everywhere that corn is growing.From a high of well over $6.50/bushel on Wednesday, corn prices have...
Analysts at Dutch-based Rabobank have predicted that US corn prices could rise another 25% by the end of the year on lower yields due to hot, dry weather. That would raise prices to around...
Ag biotech company Origin Agritech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SEED) is seeing its shares shoot up this morning following a report from boutique investment firm Moness Crespi Hardt that the company’s genetically...
Fears for a supply shortage of corn earlier this year led the world’s farmers to plant more of the crop on expectations of higher prices. Now that the crop is in, it turns out to be a sixth...
Since the beginning of September, copper and corn prices have fallen dramatically, with copper off nearly -35% from its 12 month high and corn off about -25%. Because both are often seen as leading...
Hot, dry weather is now expected to reduce the US corn harvest and lift consumer prices for everything from breakfast cereal to pump prices at the local service station. Agricultural stocks from...
The writing has been on the wall for about three weeks: the $0.45/gallon ethanol subsidy and the $0.54/gallon tariff on imports are politically dead. Another nail got hammered into the coffin...
Analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) have reversed a forecast from just two weeks ago suggesting that corn, wheat and soybean prices would be higher due to reduced harvests this fall....
For the past couple of weeks the price of corn has risen above the price of wheat, a market condition that has occurred just twice before in the last 27 years. The reversal typically rights itself as...
Yesterday’s announcement by the International Energy Agency that member nations, including the US, would release 60 million barrels of crude sliced 5% off the price of a barrel of WTI crude. Oil is...
This morning’s announcement by the International Energy Agency that it would release 60 million barrels of crude from member nations’ stocks has dealt a crushing blow to commodity prices. Only...