Coronavirus in Alaska

Coronavirus in Alaska Articles

The state that has done the best job fully vaccinating its population for COVID-19 is Alaska. Why has Alaska done so well?
Alaska has done the best job of vaccinating its population. It has at least two means to distribute vaccines that other states do not.
Several states have done much better at the rate of COVID-19 vaccinations than the country overall, especially these two.
Compared to the 13% vaccination rate nationwide, Alaska's figure has hit 21% for adults who have received at least one shot.
The state with the best track record for providing second doses of COVD-19 vaccines is Alaska, at almost double the national figure.
The state that has had the most success by far in vaccinating its residents against COVID-19 is Alaska.
The state with by far the best record on COVID-19 vaccination has a couple of advantages.
The worst COVID-19 hotspot in America currently is Aleutians East Borough, Alaska.
The state that has the best record for giving at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose to its population is Alaska.
The United States has confirmed almost 1.9 million cases of COVID-19, and more than 107,000 people have died from the coronavirus disease as of June 4. As nationwide cases have been declining, states...
With more than 1.8 million people infected nationwide and over 100,000 dead, COVID-19 is a public health crisis of proportions not seen in the United States in over a century. The economic fallout in...
The U.S. is rapidly approaching 2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, but as a whole, the country has likely seen the worst of the pandemic — for now. There are a handful of states, however, in...
The latest weekly jobless claims figures were released on June 4, and the unprecedented period of massive layoffs resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak continues. For the week ending May 23, 1.6...
More than 1.8 million COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the U.S. as of June 3 as well as over 105,000 deaths, by far the most cases and deaths of any country. Accounting for population size, the...
More than 130 days have passed since the first known case of COVID-19 was identified in the United States. Over that period, nearly 1.8 million Americans have been infected — and over 100,000 of...