Coronavirus in Texas

Coronavirus in Texas Articles

A 24/7 Wall St. analysis reveals that this town in Texas has the most cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 residents.
Texas is the state with the most hospitals facing critical staffing shortages. California is not far behind.
The state with the highest 14-day average death rate per 100,000 people currently is in Texas.
The deadliest five counties in the United States due to COVID-19 are currently in Texas.
This county in Texas currently is the hardest hit by COVID-19 in the United States.
The hardest-hit counties list shows how badly small, rural counties have been hurt recently by COVID-19. It also shows how concentrated they are in and around West Texas.
Three of the five counties hardest hit by COVID-19 now are in Texas, where the governor has dropped the state's mask mandate.
This sparsely populated county southwest of San Antonio recently has been hit hard by COVID-19.
Borden County, Texas, has been hit hard by COVID-19. The rate of fatal cases there is almost double the next hardest-hit county in America.
The three American college and university campuses with the most COVID-19 cases can be found in Texas.
The number of COVID-19 cases is soaring in one border town in Texas, prompting the governor to send in the military.
The deadliest county in America in terms of COVID-19 is a rural county in Virginia, but several counties in Texas have been hard hit as well.
As measured by a 14-day average of deaths per 100,000 people, the deadliest county in America today is in Montana.
A county in Texas currently is the worst COVID-19 hotspot in the country. This county is extremely poor and its population is largely Hispanic.
The spread and severity of COVID-19 vary sharply by location. Athens, Texas, currently has the worst outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States.