COVID-19 Articles

The holiday season is hurtling toward us, with Thanksgiving less than a month away, and the start of family gatherings. These get-togethers pose concerns as super-spreader events with the threat of...
Last year, everybody was talking (and TikTok-ing) about “The Great Resignation” — the hitherto unimaginable rate at which people were telling their employers to take this job and…well, try to...
As we get deeper into the autumn season, people are spending more time inside and getting ready for Halloween as well as for family gatherings for the holidays. The potential is there for occasions...
Data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that indicators of COVID-19 for the week ending Sept. 30 are trending lower nationally. Still, the pandemic is maintaining its...
The COVID increase detected in the U.S. this summer has continued to slow in recent weeks.  ER visits, hospital admissions, and deaths from COVID decreased across the U.S. over the week ending Sept....
Since the beginning of the pandemic more than three years ago, health professionals have observed the emergence of a number of notable variants, each posing new challenges in containing the virus....
U.S. Census data confirms what has been reported in regard to population shifts in the United States in recent years and since the onset of the pandemic in 2020 — Americans moved out of higher-cost...
As the world cautiously emerges from the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns loom large as surges of the virus reemerge in various regions. In the U.S., several states are seeing upticks in...
Few places are more effective transmitters for spreading the coronavirus than colleges and universities. From dorm rooms to fraternities and sororities, huge classrooms to crowded stands at football...
It’s been three-and-a-half years since COVID-19 first upended society and we’re still living with the outbreak. The pandemic’s latest variants, EG.5 and BA.2.86, are circulating through the...