COVID-19 Articles

There have been no COVID-19 deaths in Vermont over the past seven days, and hospitalization rates are low in several counties there.
Only 21% of the residents in this Florida county are vaccinated for COVID-19, and new cases there have surged.
Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in one county in Alabama are nearly 600% higher over the past two weeks.
Over the past seven days, the number of COVID-19 cases has jumped 583% in one county in Louisiana.
In one county in Mississippi, less than 22% of residents have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, a remarkably low number.
One analyst sees a favorable entry point for Airbnb, as revenues look to be ramping up in the coming years.
COVID-19 entered the United States early last year. The first known infection was recorded on January 21, 2020, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It was the start of a...
South Dakota, once a major American COVID-19 hotspot, has very few cases per capita lately. With low vaccination rates there so low, can it stay that way?
One county in Kentucky has the highest number of COVID-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 over the past seven days.
One primary reason vaccination rates are so low in Mississippi is that people refuse to be vaccinated, for a variety of reasons.
Jobs that fared the worst in the pandemic were usually those in which workers came into a great deal of contact with the general public and worked in closed areas.
Nearly 9 million jobs lost during the COVID-19 pandemic have not been recovered. Jobless claims by week, a regularly used measure of people who have lost jobs, were well over a million a week...
One county in Kentucky currently has a troublingly high COVID-19 death rate, in part due to its low vaccination rate.
Dozens of countries are facing severe oxygen shortages because of surging COVID-19 cases.
As more COVID-19 restrictions are lifted as more Americans are getting vaccinated, companies like Live Nation could stand to benefit a lot, at least according to Jefferies.