crude oil prices

crude oil prices Articles

Saudi Arabia has virtually doubled its oil exports to China and halved its exports to the United States. Is this trouble for the United States, or Saudi Arabia, or China, or even Iran?
America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the largest supply of emergency oil in the world. It has enough inventory to continue its job of providing the United States with oil in the event of a...
The OPEC ministers meeting in Vienna dutifully rubber-stamped an agreement made last week at the G-20 meeting in Osaka between Russia and Saudi Arabia.
The OPEC ministers semi-annual meeting begins Tuesday, but the outcome was announced last Saturday in Japan.
Oil has long been a key barometer for a real-time reading on the global economic picture. There may be a move to clean energy and renewables, but oil still dominates the energy world.
The headlines sound bad, but the Chesapeake Energy earnings report on an adjusted basis evaluated by analysts met the Refinitiv consensus target.
The new EIA short-term forecast calls for both higher oil prices and higher U.S. crude oil production. U.S. consumers should brace for slightly higher prices at the gasoline pump this summer.
Crude prices have risen by around $30 a barrel so far this year and show no signs of moderating any time soon. Could they reach $100 a barrel, and what happens if they do.
The expected announcement coming later Monday on an end to the waivers the United States has granted to eight countries doing business with Iran may be even worse if lukewarm outlooks from oilfield...
One key analyst sees Petrobras as a story in which yield meets growth. But the call does have at least some caution.
For 2019, BlackRock has made some changes on its outlooks for global equities, bonds and commodities. The updated outlook calls for a careful balance of risk and reward in portfolios.
Just when it looked as if crude oil prices were going to pull back, suddenly a one-day surge has taken oil back above $60 per barrel.
Saudi Arabia and Venezuela posted sharp oil production cuts in February, helping boost the price for OPEC barrels up by 3%.
The February 28 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest in most of these selected big oil stocks decreased.
The February 15 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest moves in these selected big oil stocks were mixed.