Dividends and Buybacks

Dividends and Buybacks Articles

Home Depot reported fourth-quarter and full-year 2015 results before markets opened Tuesday morning.
One nice result from the volatility in the markets over the past seven weeks is to lower prices on the stocks that investors who need consistent and safe income may be looking to buy.
Sometimes safe and steady defensive dividend-paying stocks become incredibly popular. When stocks become too popular, they can also become too expensive.
For worried investors that need an income stream, all these top stocks make good sense for growth and income portfolios.
On Wednesday the Devon Energy said it had priced a share offering of 69 million shares at $18.75 per share. Investors took the stock down about as low as $19.21 in early trading Thursday.
Wal-Mart reported mixed fourth-quarter and full-year 2016 results before markets opened Thursday morning.
The UBS Dividend Ruler portfolio team has made some of their first changes for 2016, and they add back in a top consumer discretionary stock that offers outstanding dividends and good upside...
In a new research report, RBC noted that some companies have already reaffirmed their distribution outlooks for the entire year of 2016.
With the Chinese currency pegged to the U.S. dollar, any increase in fed funds rates could send the Chinese into devaluation mode, which could prove awful for world financial markets.
While younger investors probably would snicker some at the thought of adding the large cap old-school technology stocks to a portfolio, there is reason to consider them.
Thursday was a day dominated by European bank weakness based on balance sheet concerns and profitability concerns.
The good part of the correction we have seen since the beginning of the year is that quality stocks that pay good dividends are on sale, and may be more so soon.
Cisco Systems has finally reported earnings, and the report is also far less cautious than many of the tech bears had been expecting.
When the stock market becomes uncertain, investors often tend to flock toward defensive stocks or stocks that have very high-quality earnings. That generally means that their dividends are deemed...
Medley Capital Corp. (NYSE: MCC) may have a bit of a medley of its own for investors to worry about. After posting a loss of about $39.2 million in its last quarter, its net loss was $0.70 per share...