Dow Jones Industrial Average

Dow Jones Industrial Average Articles

One key consideration for the year ahead is Merck's acquisitions of Idenix and Cubist Pharmaceuticals to expand its product offerings
United Technologies' forward earnings multiple of 16 is not high compared to the broad market, but expected sales growth is not a great growth story.
When we ran the same analysis a year ago, analysts were looking for Procter & Gamble to rise by almost 7% in 2014, but it more than doubled that expectation.
McDonald’s remains in a very challenging business position, with its serious labor woes and sales trends that have been atrocious.
One key consideration for the year ahead is that Johnson & Johnson raised its dividends again and managed to have upside performance above what was expected.
Microsoft's newer operating systems required more souped-up PCs with much stronger processors, and Intel got to ride that gravy train in 2014.
One key consideration for the year ahead is that 3M was recently among the top dividend and buybacks that were too big to ignore.
IBM was the DJIA’s biggest loser of 2014. Is there a case to be made that IBM could become the magic turnaround Dow stock in 2015 or beyond?
The first thing to consider about General Electric in 2015 is that the GE of today is about to be vastly different from the GE that your parents were used to.
24/7 Wall St. has decided to do a bullish and bearish analysis for Wal-Mart and the rest of the DJIA components to see what lies ahead for 2015 and beyond.
Boeing still has a more positive analyst bias ahead for 2015, when compared to most other Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks.
One key consideration for the year ahead is that Disney will start to see the hype from the upcoming Star Wars franchise hit.
One key consideration for the year ahead for Caterpillar is that it was a surprise winner for much of 2014, before reality started to set in.
Coca-Cola stock underperformed the broader indexes in 2014, and analysts generally see another lackluster year for 2015. That being said, analysts are not always right.
24/7 Wall St. wanted to see which analyst picks in mid-cap to large-cap stocks offer the most upside. Some of these stocks still have very big upside targets on the surface.