Dow Jones Industrial Average

Dow Jones Industrial Average Articles

24/7 Wall St. has compiled a group of the five cheapest Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks, based on earnings expected in 2015.
With investors loving dividends so much, 24/7 always tries to take a look at what the Dogs of the Dow will look like for the year ahead.
24/7 Wall St. has decided to feature its Top 6 Large-Cap Stocks of 2014 ahead of Christmas this year.
Several dividend hikes and stock buybacks in November and December have been simply too big to ignore.
As 24/7 Wall St. had previously predicted, there were a couple more significant dividend hikes in December among the Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks.
General Electric has been among the worst-performing Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks this year. So the question is, what could make GE the best Dow stock of 2015?
Is it possible that the food giant McDonald's could end up being the best performing Dow stock in 2015?
24/7 Wall St. wanted to look at what might actually prompt Exxon and Chevron to become the top-performing Dow stocks of 2015.
24/7 Wall St. has projected five Dow stocks that should make dividend hike announcements before 2014 comes to an end.
24/7 Wall St. wanted to capture the Dow stocks that have been the best performing of this past month and since the V-bottom.
Investors have become nervous again, and rightfully so. It has been far too long since stocks have seen a 10% correction in the S&P 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average.
The bull market may be five and a half years old, but stocks have been fighting each week to hit newer highs. These are the best- and worst-performing Dow stocks so far in 2014.
Not all Dow stocks are participating in this year's bull market. Eight of the 30 stocks were recently trading with negative total returns in 2014.
The bull market may be five and a half years old, but stocks have been fighting each week to hit newer highs.
These trends almost certainly will press the prices of individual stocks, and the market as a whole, upward for months.