
eating Articles

Few foods are as versatile or as universally beloved as the sandwich. Whether it’s a simple school lunch of peanut butter and jelly on white bread or a gut-busting Philly cheesesteak oozing Cheez...
: Staying fit throughout your 40s is possible with lifestyle changes and it is an important step towards leading a healthy life. Be mindful of what you’re eating and when you’re eating. Find ways...
It’s easy to assume major restaurant chains like Burger King and Applebee’s have existed forever. But every chain started small before growing into the brands we know today. In recent...
Food is often divided into “good” and “bad” categories. But some foods are truly dangerous.  These foods contain toxins, are prone to bacteria, or have physical properties...
Fish has been preserved in a coating of fermented rice in Southeast Asia for centuries, and in the 1820s in Tokyo (then known as Edo), the idea was apparently first transformed into the dish of...
Almost everybody in the U.S. eats fast food at least once in a while, and some consume it a lot more often than that. According to industry estimates, at least 30% of Americans (children included)...
The steakhouse is a great American culinary institution, and such places have never been more popular. Steak-centric chains both extravagant (Ruth’s Chris, Fleming’s) and bargain-priced (Outback,...
Restaurant chains in America range from internationally known giants like McDonald’s, with units numbering in the five figures, to small regional operations like HopCat in Michigan with fewer than...
It’s easy to assume that all major restaurant chains have been around basically forever. If you were born at any point within the past 40 years or so, major ones like Burger King, IHOP, and...