
economy Articles

Savings skyrocketed during the pandemic, as Americans socked away more cash than they otherwise would have. According to the Fed Bank of San Francisco, households managed to build up excess savings...
Having a laid-back attitude is not for everyone. Some people love the hustle and bustle of a busy environment, while others prefer a relaxed and easygoing atmosphere. Being characterized as a...
The U.S. economy is a massive aggregation of moving parts, some in plain sight and some hidden from view. The average citizen feels like they have very little control over such an enormous system,...
One of the best and worst parts about living in the age of technology is the ability to online shop. The ease with which we can purchase items and have them directly delivered to us takes the stress...
Last year, everybody was talking (and TikTok-ing) about “The Great Resignation” — the hitherto unimaginable rate at which people were telling their employers to take this job...
The Great Depression was a dark time in U.S. history, a worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted a decade – the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by a country in...
Technology and finance, two of the biggest engines of the American economy, have provided the financial wherewithal for people to construct mega homes in the U.S. To identify the American places with...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released its report on THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — JUNE 2023, showing continued strong U.S. labor growth. The economy added 209,000 jobs, slightly below...
The rate of inflation in the US has gone down. Six months ago, it ran 8% a year over the previous year each month. That came down to 5%, according to the CPI. The PPI showed even slower growth. The...
Best Buy fired at least several hundred workers recently. It is either a sign of a slowing economy, or an admission that its business model is flagging. Either way, it is not good for the future of...
McDonald’s told some of its workers to stay home. It wanted to fire them remotely. It is not exactly a proud day for management, which might have had the courage to do it face-to-face. According to...