emerging markets

emerging markets Articles

Fears of inflation and increased oversight into accounting practices are causing US investors to pull funds from China-focused ETFs, with a parallel interest in putting more funds into Brazilian...
Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev told an economic conference last month that he had ordered the government to reduce its controlling interests in some of the country’s biggest companies. He...
Greece saved itself with its latest austerity measures.  For a few months, maybe.  If you have read about Greece’s woes and read about the bailout and rescue process, the real implication is that...
You have been reading all year that China has been hitting the brakes to curb inflation and to fight an overheating economy.  They are at it again.  Now the People’s Bank of China has raised its...
The announcement that Japanese scientists have found high concentrations of rare earth minerals on the Pacific Ocean sea bed could be far less than meets the eye. The report estimates that the total...
U.S. investors are now getting a Renminbi (Yuan) and bond fund to invest in via an open-ended mutual fund structure.  An announcement has been made by Guinness Atkinson Asset Management that it is...
Having positions and covering them openly on a near-live basis is a tricky business.  At issue is not so much an insider trading question, but when financial transactions meet issues behind freedom...
Water may be the source of life, but it is also perhaps one of the most misunderstood and most “under-invested” themes for those investors who want income and growth year after year throughout...
Emerging markets are cumulatively supposed to make up a catch-all investment sector for investors seeking true growth in the next decade.  If you have been watching the ticker tape of late, you will...
China has loosened up its regulations and will now allow banks to distribute foreign mutual funds later this year.  Winners are expected to be Citigroup, Inc. (NYSE: C) and HSBC Holdings plc (NYSE:...
In yesterday’s article about emerging market funds, we noted that three of the funds that track all or most of the stocks in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index could be affected by an upcoming review...
Investing in emerging markets was a good strategy in 2010. This year, however, many countries are confronting inflation, appreciating currencies, and, in some places, political and financial...
The ratings agencies and outside groups are now saying that Greece is in default, like it or not.  Now let’s go ahead and throw in Irish banks as well, with a real possibility of Ireland after...
In our daily internal reviews of looking for trends in commodities, one trend stood out rather clearly… Cane-based ethanol might not even be solid for the Boys from Brazil. The price of sugar is...
MakeMyTrip Limited (NASDAQ: MMYT) was at one point one of the best IPOs of 2010 after its August 2010 debut.  This was no reverse merger either. The stock had risen to above $40 in September as the...