emerging markets

emerging markets Articles

We are in the midst of one of the greatest bull markets ever seen in modern times.  Stocks are rising more often than they fall and we have just seen a rally of eight consecutive days. 24/7 Wall St....
The gains of General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) have yet to abate and the shares just have refused to pull back to a point to let new investors in at a cheaper price.  Generally speaking, speeches from...
Media reports questioning whether the United States will keep its “Triple-A Rating” in the future are frequent.  The fear of endless budget deficit spending and quantitative easing have only...
The extremely cold and snowy winter of 2010-2011 may be challenging the core case of global warming.  The earth is warming, the greenhouse gases are rising, and the oceans are rising… Right? ...
America’s core infrastructure is falling apart.  Roads are sinking, bridges have collapsed, dams are old, power plants and the power grid are substandard, rail systems are ancient, the levees are...
Global violence and protests have moved from Tunisia to Egypt now, and the unrest may not yet be abating in the region just yet.  These may matter little on the surface to Wall Street from a...
Even if 2011 has gotten off to a rough start for gold, everyone knows that the value of gold is at historic highs.  What is interesting is that there is rarely a discussion about which countries...
Siemens AG (NYSE: SI) carries a market cap about half that of General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE), but the German conglomerate does not have a financing arm comparable to GE Capital. One area where the...
Shares in Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) posted a new 52-week high of $76.62 yesterday, up about 11% in the past year. That’s not bad growth for the largest company in the US by market cap,...
Yesterday was Portugal helping out, today is Spain… Debt sales that is.  A debt sale in Spain is so far being hailed as a minor success and this comes on the heels of a similar successful debt...
DIRECTV Latin America, a subsidiary of DIRECTV (NYSE: DTV) is further expanding into Latin America, underscoring its ambition in such a high growth market. The company announced that it has completed...
Another day, another late-late sovereign debt rating downgrade warning.  Moody’s has just placed the “Ba1” rating of Greece on review for a possible downgrade.  This is on the heels of a...
The woes of Europe continue, again… Get used to it.  The markets are soft this morning on news that Moody’s is warning Spain of a downgrade to its Aa1 rating due to funding vulnerability, coming...
Over the weekend the Chinese government revealed that the country’s inflation rate had hit 5.1%, considerably higher than expectations of around 4.7%. An interest rate hike was expected to follow,...
The banks in the lands of the PIIGS are seeing some bids yet again today.  That makes three in a row of big moves in Ireland, and now we have Greece and Spain today.  Some of the aid is coming from...