
English Articles

Politics aside, Americans and Canadians are the best of neighbors. We share, peacefully, the longest international border between two nations, at 8,891 kilometres — or is it 5,525 miles long?...
The English language contains over 200,000 words, drawing from Germanic, Latin, Greek, and over 350 other language roots. New words get added to English every year. (For instance, here are 30 words...
For a dead language, Latin still has plenty of life in it. A dead language is one that’s no longer used as a native tongue. Though there are many more examples around the world, the most famous...
“England and America are two countries separated by the same language,” George Bernard Shaw once said (perhaps). There’s no denying that our two nations use certain identical words in very...
There are more than 200,000 words in the English language — words drawn from Germanic roots, from Latin and Greek, and in lesser quantities from more than 350 other tongues. And more words get...