
entertainment Articles

A big problem facing nearly all marijuana businesses in states where medicinal or recreational use is legal remains getting a bank account. Because federal law still classifies marijuana as a...
For the week ended Friday, December 16, the spot price index for a pound of cannabis decreased nearly 2%, according to the analysts at Cannabis Benchmarks.
One of the knocks on legal marijuana, whether for medicinal or recreational use, is that legalization sends a message to teens that using the drug is acceptable. If that is true, then the message is...
Two cruise line operators recently announced Cuban government approval to begin trips to the island nation, but they all say that the initial benefit from opening up travel to Cuba is likely to be...
According to a recent survey, more than half of marijuana industry players are "somewhat" or "very" concerned about their business prospects under a Trump administration.
President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Senator Jeff Sessions to be the next Attorney General is widely believed to be more than just an irritant to the legal marijuana industry. Sessions has...
For the week ended Friday, December 9, the spot price index for a pound of cannabis increased by more than 3%, according to the analysts at Cannabis Benchmarks.
Star power is the reason we see star athletes promoting footwear and other athletic gear. That star power is now being felt in one of the country's newest industries: legal sales of marijuana.
Last Thursday, a company named Innovative Industrial Properties Inc. (NYSE: IIPR) began trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The initial public offering (IPO) from the company was the first on the...
For the week ended Friday, December 2, the spot price index for a pound of cannabis decreased by more than 1%, according to the analysts at Cannabis Benchmarks.
Last April activist investor Keith Meister sent a letter to Pandora Media Inc. (NYSE: P) on behalf of Corvex Management urging the company to seek an acquisition. Pandora paid no attention. In July...
In what is generally viewed as a negative development for the legal marijuana market, President-elect Donald Trump has selected Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to be the next Attorney General of the...
For the week ended Friday, November 25, the spot price index for a pound of cannabis increased by 3% from $1,418 in the prior week to $1,461. According to the analysts at Cannabis Benchmarks, the...
Initiatives supporting legalization of marijuana for medical or recreational use took center stage during the last election. That doesn’t mean that nothing else was happening. Colorado voters...
For the week ended Friday, November 18, the spot price index for a pound of cannabis increased by 2.3% from $1,386 in the prior week to $1,418 — the first increase in four weeks after reaching a...