European Union

European Union Articles

The launch of several Ether futures ETFs was pretty much of a bust on Monday. Facebook and Instagram are proposing a subscription price for EU users who want an ad-free social media experience.
A new EU program to cut greenhouse gas emissions goes into effect on October 1. In 2026, EU importers will begin paying for the carbon content of their imports.
It is official. Starting on Jan. 1, the five-nation BRICS alliance will expand, adding six more nations. For brevity’s sake, let us just call it the BRICS+. The original BRIC bloc of Brazil,...
Here are five stories seen early Tuesday morning related to the war in Ukraine.
Reuters is reporting that the European Union is preparing to charge Apple with anticompetitive practices related to its NFC chip.
The European Commission has proposed that all chargeable electronic devices sold in the EU use the same charging equipment. Apple has resisted this effort and may continue to do so.
A new report from the FTC examines small mergers and acquisitions by the nation's five largest tech firms.
The European Commission has formally stated its objections to the way Apple distorts competition in the App Store.
The United States has announced new tariffs on airplane parts imported into the country to be assembled at the Airbus facility in Alabama. Some wines and other beverages also will see higher tariffs.
Galapagos was crushed on Wednesday after the firm, in conjunction with Gilead, announced a new commercialization and development agreement for their Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) treatment.
The head of Europe's civil aviation regulator has said that the agency expects to lift its grounding order on the 737 Max in January, paving the way for Boeing to deliver new planes to the continent.
While the recertification of Boeing's 737 Max is expected to happen soon, the aircraft maker faces other challenges as it tries to recover its former luster.
The European Commission on Tuesday announced that it has reached a preliminary view that Amazon has violated EU antitrust rules.
Serious implications arise from governmental shutdowns. The success or failure of an outcome may come down simply to how it affects most people.