Every state

Every state Articles

Want to time-travel on your next vacation? Staying at the oldest hotel in whichever state you’re visiting will do the trick, offering at least a glimpse of an earlier era. From colonial inns to...
Other cultures certainly have pies, both savory and sweet, but pie is arguably the most American of all desserts. Nobody says “As American as a chocolate chip cookie” or “As easy as angel food...
Life expectancy varies significantly from one state to another – by as much as nine years – in the U.S., shedding light on the complex factors influencing health and wellness. This significant...
The U.S. is a nation of voracious ice cream eaters – second only to New Zealand in per capita consumption, according to the trade publication Frozen Dessert Supplies – and July is the month in...
Ice cream is quite possibly the ultimate comfort food, especially in hot weather, so it’s little wonder that we’ve been enjoying it so enthusiastically in recent weeks. (Whether having a famously...
Fish has been preserved in a coating of fermented rice in Southeast Asia for centuries, and in the 1820s in Tokyo (then known as Edo), the idea was apparently first transformed into the dish of...
Almost everybody in the U.S. eats fast food at least once in a while, and some consume it a lot more often than that. According to industry estimates, at least 30% of Americans (children included)...
Across the United States, a growing concern looms as some states grapple with alarmingly high rates of overweight residents. Behind the stark statistics lies a complex web of factors contributing to...
“Location, location, location” matters not just in real estate, but also in health. Factors such as quality of the local health care system, public health policy, culture, environment, and the...
Americans paid over 14% more for electricity in 2022 than the prior year, which was double overall inflation, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Although inflation has been...
There are about 470,000 words in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary combined, though it’s estimated that only about 170,000 are used frequently. And...
Underpinned by a diverse and highly developed economy, the United States is the wealthiest country in the world. According to the World Bank, American GDP topped $23 trillion in 2021, 31% more than...
About 39% of American adults have gym memberships, according to the job search site Zippia, and that number has been growing. Between 2000 and 2019, memberships nearly doubled, from 32.8 million to...
Laws imposing minimum age requirements for the possession and purchase of firearms are intended to reduce access to firearms by young people. These laws are also on the books to lower the number of...
The majority of four year colleges and universities in America – about 80% of them – no longer require applicants to submit SAT scores. Before the pandemic, nearly half of them had already...