Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

  If you read our recent preview for the FOMC meeting, you wouldn’t be too shocked that the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) didn’t raise interest rates on Wednesday....
The federal funds rate remaining steady, along with additional outside interest rate pressures, could be a further supportive action for the price of gold for the remainder of 2019.
In an appearance in front of the U.S. Senate, Federal Reserve Chair Powell said that the economy remains strong but he warned that dangers are brewing.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has released its latest Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, and factory activity in the Texas region continued to expand in February.
A new survey of economists reveals that three-quarters expect a U.S. recession by 2021. They don't blame the Federal Reserve, however. Most see dire effects caused by huge and rising federal deficits.
The price gyrations might not have been as extreme as in years past, but central banks were major gold buyers in 2018. Here are the 15 nations and government-related entities that dominate the global...
Wednesday marked one of the market days where the public was waiting to see what Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and his members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) would do with...
The Chicago Fed National Activity Index rose slightly in December. It is a national economic reading rather than just a regional one.
With the U.S. unemployment rate at its lowest level in decades, how much should Americans worry about rampant inflation as workers begin to see real increases in their paychecks?
The Federal Reserve announced on Thursday that it had sent payments of more than $65 billion back to the U.S. Treasury from its estimated net income in 2018.
Some Fed events and speeches are worth covering more than others, and that was definitely the case on Friday.
Oil and gas firms in the 11th Federal Reserve District, which includes Texas and parts of New Mexico and Louisiana, reported that growth slowed to near zero in the fourth quarter of 2018.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has reported that manufacturing activity in its region has continued to grow but at a subdued pace in December.
  Wednesday, December 18, 2018 was a day that could have marked a turning point for the Federal Reserve and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell in the quest to raise interest rates. After having fed funds at...
China's retail sales fell sharply, Starbucks to start coffee delivery, CBS makes large sexual harassment claim settlement, and other important business headlines today.