Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

At times like these, traders, from retail investors to commercial banks, start looking over their shoulders to hear what other people say is going to happen next.
We’re less than a week into the new year, and already the S&P 500 is down over 6%. When trying to work out what exactly is going on, it’s helpful to think quantitatively.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday afternoon released the minutes of its December 2015 meeting of its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). That’s the one where the Fed raised the policy rate from a...
The Federal Reserve just raised interest rates, but what does that mean for the everyday consumer?
The Chicago Business Barometer was down 5.8 points to 42.9 in December, which was shown to be the lowest outturn since July of 2009.
There is some very mixed economic figures from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. While the headline number was atrocious, the reality is that the actual production index rose in December.
A new Deutsche Bank research report features three top bank picks for 2016 that provide very solid total return potential.
The Chicago Federal Reserve has released the Chicago Fed National Activity Index with a negative reading for November, implying slight contraction.
Janet Yellen and her Federal Reserve presidents have finally decided that the market conditions were supportive of a fed funds rate hike.
The numbers on industrial production and capacity utilization are looking recessionary, if you only looked at the industrial side of this equation in an economy that is now goods and services...
This year has not been very kind to the utilities sector, ahead of the Federal Reserve's expected interest rate hike cycle into 2016.
While most stocks will probably rise in response to the interest rate hike, financials that have been particularly weak over the past two weeks could get an extra boost.
Manufacturing activity in the region of the New York Federal Reserve fell for a fifth straight month in December.
This Wednesday potentially, or likely, will mark the end of a trend that has been in place for the entire career of younger workers.
A new research note from Credit Suisse highlights the possible impact across markets of the first Federal Reserve rate hike.