Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

Despite low participation, the 30-year Treasury bond with a 3.00% coupon just went off at a yield of 2.43% after a substantial premium pricing -- the lowest yield we have ever seen.
When interest rates will be raised by the Federal Reserve has been debated for quite some time. Now it looks like the rates may not be raised until later in 2015 than previously expected.
The fears about falling oil prices have been the focus of conversations around the country. But low oil prices are not killing the manufacturing sector yet.
The Chicago Fed released its National Activity Index for the month of November with a reading of +0.73, up from +0.31 in October.
The Chicago Fed has released some data on the potential implications of a declining workforce on the U.S. economy.
Wednesday marked the last Federal Reserve meeting for the year 2014.
Thursday is expected to bring word of expanded economic stimulus at the European Central Bank meeting, with the likely timing being early 2015.
The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has made some comments regarding when interest rates would likely rise, as well as the impact of lower energy prices.
If there is one state that comes to mind that may be worrying about lower oil prices, Texas has to be at or at least close to the top of the list. Fresh regional economic data on manufacturing output...
Among 13 federal agencies, the one with the most positive impression is the U.S. Postal Service, according to Gallup research.
The U.S. Senate is holding two days of hearings related to the activities of big Wall Street banks in the commodity markets.
The Philadelphia Fed released its November Business Outlook Survey on Thursday morning.
One takeaway from the minutes from the October FOMC meeting is that the Fed is in no rush to raise interest rates.
The November 2014 Empire State Manufacturing Survey indicated that business activity continued to expand for New York-area manufacturers.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on Wednesday afternoon voted to end its monthly asset purchases -- aka QE3 -- by the end of October.