Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Articles

Mortgage REITs are getting a big boost Thursday following the Federal Reserve's announcement that it would provide credit backup for the troubled sector.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may require another bailout if the U.S. economy remains essentially locked down and Americans take advantage of the mortgage holiday.
The interest rate climate was supposed to be stable for 2020. That all ended in an instant recession brought on by the coronavirus outbreak and after the situation was magnified after an oil share...
Banks that supplied cash for two major casino deals have now found a buyer for their loans. The Federal Reserve has stepped up Monday.
Three Asia experts at the International Monetary Fund praised China's success at stemming the coronavirus outbreak in the country while warning of lingering economic effects.
If you have been hoping that formal recession calls due to the coronavirus would not be coming, the time for that hope has ended.
The International Monetary Fund is encouraging central banks and governments to take steps soon that could offset the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The IMF has a $1 trillion fund to assist...
The Federal Reserve has gone out of its way to assure financial markets that it is entering into full-blown easing and stabilizing mode. In an unprecedented move for a Sunday, ahead of the global...
Germany just took major steps to stabilize and stimulate the economy, and the United States may want to follow suit.
Many investors are becoming extremely worried, and with good reason. But sensible long-term investing has always been the key to financial success. Nothing that has happened in the past month has...
When markets are in panic and when they have decoupled from what was expected, governments have the power to intervene to keep the system running.
Lessons of the Great Recession, terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other events in the past may hold some lessons for what central banks and the U.S. government could do beyond traditional...
The almost 11-year bull market has been a blessing, and now it may end up being a curse. There are some important things for investors to consider now, as they may have to prepare for the worst.
Here is a list of the so-called emergency rate cuts made by the Federal Reserve in the modern era. There is even a surprise rate hike in there too.
The Morning Consult consumer sentiment index has continued falling since Monday, but the rate of decline has slowed somewhat. Tuesday's Fed rate cut came too late to have any impact on the latest...