
fracking Articles

The U.S. Geological Survey defines an earthquake as “any sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves.” Earthquakes can be caused by a variety of factors, including...
These three top companies in the oil- and gas-rich Permian Basin are being offered to investors at a staggering discount.
If there is too much oil in 2015, and too little demand, which has, in theory, kept prices down, there will also be too much oil in 2016.
A new study published recently by the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health has linked an increase in premature births to a mother’s proximity to active, fracked natural gas...
How much recoverable oil does the Bakken Formation have? The most recent estimate of proved reserves is just under 6 billion barrels for the entire Williston Basin, which includes the Bakken.
Gasoline prices have started to march back to $3 a gallon, after breaking the $2 barrier on the way down just weeks ago.
Rig counts are an important sign of the energy industry’s strength, but the meaning has changed. The count means less in terms of production than it did before shale drilling became popular.
The size of the labor force in North Dakota means not many people would have to lose jobs for unemployment to move above the national average.
The oil patch is a tough place to make a living these days, and most observers believe it is going to get tougher.
Rice Energy has announced the pricing of the Rice Midstream Partners L.P. initial public offering.
By James Stafford of When it takes up to four million pounds of sand to frack a single well, it’s no wonder that demand is outpacing supply and frack sand producers are becoming the...
Smart Sand Partners has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for an initial public offering.
Joining other states, California recently has received approval to expand fracking activity in the state.
ThinkstockIf you want to create a stir with any environmental group around energy, ask them how they feel about hydraulic fracturing – fracking. It probably won’t go over too well. Now imagine...
thinkstockThis week’s cold snap and freak snow storms pushed natural gas futures up more than 10% on Wednesday. That is terrible for consumers who may see their heating bills soar from more usage...