
Gallup Articles

ThinkstockAfter an upturn in mid-March, Americans’ confidence in the U.S. economy fell back slightly last week, posting a reading of -17 compared with prior week reading of -13, according to the...
ThinkstockObesity may be the most closely followed health care issue in the United States. The rate of obesity has increased dramatically in the past two decades, growing from 13% in 1960 to 34%...
ThinkstockAmerica’s least obese cities are Boulder; Charlottesville, Va.; Bellingham Wash.; Fort Collins, Colo.; Naples, Fla.; Denver; San Francisco; San Lois Obisco; Madison, Wisc.; and Colorado...
Frank Golhen, via Wikimedia CommonsDespite higher payroll taxes, a stalled employment situation, worry about the federal budget and persistent evidence that the economic recovery is halting at best,...
ThinkstockThe U.S. public needs to be careful what it wishes for. The great majority of Americans support the use of the U.S. military if South Korea is attacked by North Korea. Should America be...
ThinkstockAccording to a recent study, the city with the most content residents in the United States is Lincoln, Neb. The city with the most miserable residents is Charleston, W.Va. The...
ThinkstockOne of the goals of the social safety net established over the past 80 years has been to give, in stages, people who cannot afford essentials access to them. No one can argue that the...
Ed Brown, via Wikimedia CommonsThe American public’s support for an increase in the minimum wage has grown. The support is badly fractured, which may make federal action on the wage more difficult....
ThinkstockNo matter how fat American are, they are fatter in some places than others — not the waist line, but the location. Gallup has released its report on the states where people are fastest...
ThinkstockAfter posting a five-year high in January, Gallup’s economic confidence index fell to a level equal to that at the end of December, when consumers were worried about the impending fiscal...
ThinkstockAccording to a Gallup poll released today, the United States has shown almost no improvement in well-being in the past five years, increasing slightly from 2011 when Americans reported the...
ThinkstockThe economy has started to add jobs again, at a rate of 150,00 or better each month. Government data and that from private sector experts have shown that many of the jobs added are not as...
ThinkstockGallup’s Job Creation Index fell from 17 in December to 16 in January, the lowest level in 11 months. The index for nongovernment jobs fell from 20 in December to 18 in January, the...
ThinkstockIn the month of January, U.S. economic confidence matched its five-year high set back in November of last year, according to the latest data from Gallup. The Gallup economic confidence...
ThinkstockOver the past 12 months, more small businesses have fired employees than hired new ones, according to the latest Wells Fargo/Gallup small business index. The January index reading of -10 is...