
Gallup Articles

Americans' opinion of fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, has taken a decided negative turn in the latest poll by Gallup.
For the first time since Gallup first asked the question in 1994, more Americans oppose the use of nuclear energy to generate electric power than support it.
Among the smallest states geographically, a large number of Rhode Island residents are dissatisfied with their roads. Perhaps this is because they have so few of them. However, the second state on...
Canada is America's favorite country, according to Gallup research, perhaps because the relationship between the two countries is so benign.
American consumers appear to think that the U.S. economy is back on track. At least that seems to be the case, based on how much consumers expect to spend on gifts this season.
There is nothing like low gasoline prices to change the way Americans view the oil and gas industry.
Fresno, Calif., got another black eye, as Gallup has named it the city where people are least likely to feel safe and secure.
New Gallup research shows the "home buying climate" slowing. Perhaps a slowdown in home sales has cut confidence in home values, or perhaps a deceleration in rising home prices.
ThinkstockAfter a horrible collapse in real estate prices over the course of the recession, and a surge back in prices recently, Americans believe it is the best long-term investment among all other...
The rising number of global bank account holders is good news for banks and bad news for consumers who pay fees for maintaining these accounts.
ThinkstockWhile about 19% of Americans use drugs to relax almost every day, a nation-leading 28% of West Virginians report near-daily drug use. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which measures...
ThinkstockWell-being captures the happiness of individuals. Not only are happier workers often more productive, but a healthy economy can also improve the well-being of an area’s residents. The...
Americans like to get mail from people they know, as well as holiday or greeting cards. On the other hand, they hate getting bills in the mail.
New York City is not only the largest in the United States, it is also the worst for job creation, according to new data from Gallup.
Those polled in a new survey by Gallup listed distrust of government as the country's most important problem.