gas prices

gas prices Articles

How much Americans pay at the pump depends on several factors, including gasoline taxes. California is the state with the highest gas taxes.
How much Americans pay at the pump depends on several factors, including gasoline taxes. Alaska is the state with the lowest gas taxes.
Ten states have gas prices that have cracked the barrier of $3 for an average gallon of regular.
Gasoline prices have reached multiyear highs. Seven states have gas prices that have cracked the barrier of $3 for an average gallon of regular.
As the price of oil has risen, predictions that gasoline will top $3 nationwide for the average gallon of regular have grown.
Crude prices are on a sharp climb upward, which means gasoline prices will continue to increase with them.
Oil prices have risen an extraordinary 69% since the U.S. presidential election, and take gas prices with them. The cost of a gallon of regular tops $3 in four states. The best predictor of gasoline...
The best predictor of gasoline prices is oil prices. They almost always outweigh refinery costs, transportation costs and state gas taxes. Crude oil prices, which were $36 a barrel at the end of...
Two states currently have average prices for a gallon of regular gasoline of over $3.
From a historic perspective, the price of gasoline today is relatively inexpensive in the United States. California has the highest state gasoline tax in the country.
Nine states will have gasoline prices below $2 per gallon between December 23 and January 3, as 81 million Americans hit the roads.
The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping Americans either at home or closer to home this year according to a new survey from GasBuddy.
Gasoline prices dipped by almost three cents a gallon last week, and the current national average price of a gallon of regular gas is $2.12.
These 17 states have average prices for regular gasoline of less than $2 per gallon.
While gas prices have been creeping higher, they are on track to post a 16-year low for the July 4 holiday weekend. The reason for the decline is down to lack of demand due to the resurgence COVID-19...