GDP Articles

The markets have seen two weeks of post-election rallying, while U.S. interest rates and the dollar have both been rising in anticipation of a return to growth. Markit has already released...
The U.S. Commerce Department has released its Durable Goods report for the month of October and it was a strong number across the board. 24/7 Wall St. would remind investors, readers, and economists...
If there is one brokerage research firm that can turn the heads of all investors at once it would have to be Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS). After all, Goldman Sachs advises wealthy individuals...
The Chicago Federal Reserve bank has released its National Activity Index showing a better reading for October versus September. The report was still negative at -0.08, but this is better than the...
Fannie Mae has released some of its expectations for 2016 and 2017 based upon changes in the new administration ahead. The government-sponsored entity’s Economic & Strategic Research Group...
It appears that consumer spending already was strengthening ahead of the election and at the start of the fourth quarter. And consumer spending accounts for about two-thirds of GDP.
If consumer spending is two-thirds of gross domestic product, then Americans may recoil from the shock of a Trump victory by sitting on the sidelines as consumers during the heart of the holiday...
Investors and economists alike were looking for a solid read on gross domestic product (GDP) long before they were considering what this week's unemployment and payrolls data might look like.
Now we have two readings on the services economy that are weaker to less positive ahead of Friday's key payrolls report.
We have already seen mixed data on gross domestic product and durable goods, and now we have two fresh readings on manufacturing.
Among all the problems in Europe and the post-Brexit woes, Eurostat has released its first view of third-quarter seasonally adjusted gross domestic product.
The latest personal savings rate as a percentage of disposable income may look high on the surface. Unfortunately, it is not if you consider that the personal savings rate is actually on a downward...
Because the headline GDP gain was so strong, we have to consider it a net win — but we also have to be realistic about what sort of issues drove the bump here.
It’s finally out, and it’s better than expected! The Bureau of Economic Analysis in the U.S. Department of Commerce has released its preliminary look at third-quarter gross domestic product (GDP)...
Friday morning will bring the first look at third-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) for the United States. Note that the prior five GDP reports have been weak and signaling a very lackluster...