GDP Articles

The third-quarter GDP report could have been the biggest bit of good news this month. With a hotly contested election next week, and with the stimulus talks having died, this report seems to have...
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has released several reports all at once covering the Texas region. Included in the reports were the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, the Texas Service Sector...
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago showed that September's economic activity growth rate did stay positive, but there was a significant slowing compared with August.
Millions of people are running short on cash while very few job options are open, yet the general state of businesses looks rather healthy.
The widespread economic reports have shown mixed signals about the recovery, but a fresh look at retail sales came in much stronger than expected.
As COVID-19 begins to spread in New York City for a second time this year, hotspots have developed in over a dozen ZIP codes.
The Congressional Budget Office publishes each year a nonpartisan long-term projection of what it expects will be seen in federal deficits, debt, spending, and revenues. The annual report looks out...
24/7 Wall St. has tracked Friday's reports, and there seems to be a slight divergence of what the consumer sentiment report looks like against actual consumer spending patterns.
According to the New York Federal Reserve, weekly data suggests that the economic recovery already may be slowing.
The second estimate of second-quarter U.S. GDP was only slightly better than the first estimate, but a new statement on interest rates from Fed Chair Jay Powell is keeping investors' spirits up.
New orders for durable goods rose sharply in July, and airplanes played a role here. In America that means Boeing.
The big question now is just how long it will take to make up the recent massive losses to U.S. gross domestic product.
U.S. second-quarter GDP fell at an annualized rate of nearly 33% in the second quarter, the largest decline since reporting began following World War II. Consumer spending fell by 25%.
24/7 Wall St. has been tracking GDP forecasts and other economic forecasts around the pandemic. Unfortunately, the great economy of 2019 will not be seen for quite some time. Just don't bother...
The primary debate among economists is how badly the world economy is damaged now and will be in the future.