GDP Articles

The overall trends were better in enough categories that the July data may not be as soft as it might seem today.
The U.S. economy shrank by 5% during the first quarter, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The conclusions of the OECD's Economic Outlook June 2020 report could hardly be uglier.
Here are ten issues that offer some views to explain the stock market gains, even as the reopening of America's economy is still in the beginning stages.
If one thing has proven to be true over time, and particularly in a wild 2020, the stock market is not the economy and the economy is not the stock market.
U.S. gross domestic product saw its steepest contraction since the Great Recession more than a decade ago, and the writing is on the wall that GDP will become much worse in the second quarter.
Some economic reports still showed pockets of growth until well into March. That won't be the case for the upcoming economic reports for April, May and June.
The latest Dallas Federal Reserve manufacturing report for Texas has atrocious numbers, showing just how bad things are in the region.
Tthe U.S. Department of Commerce's report on durable goods showed just how bleak the manufacturing of big-ticket items was in March.
China may have a reason to post numbers that are better than expected. It may want to show its economy has not been wounded as badly as that of other large nations.
The economy already was getting bad in the first quarter due to the impacts of the coronavirus, but March’s reading on industrial production went deep into contraction. In fact, it was worse than...
In the April revision to its World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund forecasts that global GDP will drop by 3.0% in 2020.
It should now be little or no surprise that the United States is in a recession, and it should not be a surprise that the forecasters are calling for a "contractionary state" for the first half of...
With a recession all but certain in the coming economic reports, it's hard to get excited about some of the economic reports that would have included data ahead of the mass layoffs and furloughs.
The recession is here, and it looks worse with each new forecast. Now, Standard & Poor's has issued a new update on the coronavirus impact on the global economy.