
Germany Articles

Amid the ongoing U.S. culture war surrounding race and transgender issues, there has been a marked increase in demands by conservative groups to remove from schools and public libraries any books...
Despite advancements in women’s rights, no country has achieved true gender parity, and the effects on women’s lives are quantifiable. The global gender gap in 2022 closed by 68.1%,  according...
Much of the early success of the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and the Japanese empire during World War II was due to their technological advantages in weaponry. The Western Allies and the Soviet...
There are many indelible images of the Second World War: the flag-raising on Iwo Jima; the Russian soldier hoisting a red banner signifying victory at Stalingrad; crowds thronging the streets on V-E...
Spies have always lived among us. (There are even spies in the Bible – most famously Caleb, sent by Moses to report back surreptitiously from Canaan.) By definition, they have the ability to...
The German government Friday morning placed three Russian-controlled oil refineries under trusteeship, seizing control of operations from Russian oil giant Rosneft.
BioNTech shares shot up on Wednesday after the company announced, in conjunction with Pfizer, that its COVID-19 vaccine program was approved in Germany.
A survey of German executives suggests that the German economy is speeding into recession. If its business climate is deteriorating, so is that of every nation in the European Union.
Germany just took major steps to stabilize and stimulate the economy, and the United States may want to follow suit.
Germany may put a speed limit on the Autobahn, ending a decades-long tradition in order to reduce engine emissions and crash dangers.
A global recession already has started to spread. It seems less and less likely that the American economy can dodge the carnage.
Germany, the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest in the world, is in deep trouble, and the big economic engines are sputtering all over the world.
Here is another sign of how close Europe's overall economy is to contraction and how perilous the global expansion is going into the end of 2019.
As Europe's largest economy by far, Germany's growth is essential to the region, which already may be under pressure due to the effects of Brexit
Markit has released its final data for the services section PMI across the eurozone. It covers the month of August. While growth is sluggish, the figure has not dropped below the critical number of...