
Germany Articles

Germany, the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest in the world, is in deep trouble, and the big economic engines are sputtering all over the world.
Here is another sign of how close Europe's overall economy is to contraction and how perilous the global expansion is going into the end of 2019.
As Europe's largest economy by far, Germany's growth is essential to the region, which already may be under pressure due to the effects of Brexit
Markit has released its final data for the services section PMI across the eurozone. It covers the month of August. While growth is sluggish, the figure has not dropped below the critical number of...
Explaining negative interest rates is arcane, almost as if it were medieval times and peasants were so desperate to protect their few coins they own from brigands and warlords that they were willing...
The economy that is effectively the linchpin of the European Union just reported that its GDP was lower in the second quarter. Some economists may now treat Germany as though it is in a technical...
German chemical giant BASF announced that it will fire some 6,000 workers by the end of 2021 as the company reshapes itself following some major acquisitions.
German automaker Daimler warned Monday that an increased provision to deal with the company's diesel emissions troubles will reduce profits to last year's level.
For the fifth straight year, BMW has exported more light vehicles from the United States than any other automaker, foreign or domestic. The threat of tariffs on German imports and a looming...
Germany's Federal Statistics Office reported that industrial production in November marked the third consecutive month with declines.
Goldman Sachs faces new charges, CBS's Les Moonves will not get severance due to sexual harassment claims, and other important business headlines today.
Germany's gross domestic product has contracted for a quarter, which raises questions about how enduring a recovery of Europe's economy will be at the end of 2018 and into 2019.
Snap is being investigated, Toys "R" Us has a new Chapter 11 payment plan, Starbucks will cut some corporate workers, and other important business headlines.
S&P recently issued its latest opinion of German debt, giving it the highest grade possible. It also said the rating was "stable."
President Trump began the NATO summit this morning by attacking Germany for not spending enough to support NATO and for depending too much on imports of Russian natural gas.