giffords law center

giffords law center Articles

Gun ownership has been a constitutional right in the United States since 1791. Now, over two centuries later, firearms are a fixture in American culture — and in recent years a growing share of the...
The United States has a gun culture like nowhere else in the world. Home to 333.3 million people and well over 400 million civilian-owned firearms, the U.S. is the only country with more guns than...
Few issues in American politics are as polarizing as gun control. According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, 86% of likely Democratic voters say it is too easy to legally obtain a...
One of only three countries where gun ownership is a constitutional right, the United States has some of the most permissive firearm laws in the world. With the exception of some modest revisions to...
Deadly gun violence — including both suicides and homicides — has been on the rise for years in the United States. Despite the worsening crisis, political gridlock in Washington, D.C. has all but...
The National Shooting Sports Foundation estimates America’s guns and ammunition industry directly generated over $60.5 billion in economic activity in the last two years alone. Much of that was...