Google Android

Google Android Articles

Apple (AAPL) may make significantly more money from its new iPad that it has on any other product it has launched since 2001 when the iPod came to market. Research firm iSuppli expects tablet sales...
Video game retailer GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) today authorized a boost of $500 million in its share buyback program, replacing a $300 million authorization made in September 2010, and about half of...
Games-maker Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) is getting a boost in share price today following a better-than-expected third fiscal quarter earnings report, and a buoyant outlook. That outlook...
Recently, I violated the cardinal rule of Apple  Inc.  (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone ownership — I got mine wet.  Worse, the “incident” occurred in the bathroom.  Details will be spared, but suffice...
Standard & Poor’s suspects that the new strategy from Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK), set to be announced February 11th, is not going to be enough to boost the company’s competitive position in the...
A report from Bloomberg this morning has got the online gaming world abuzz. Bloomberg cites “two people with knowledge of the plans” who say that an updated PlayStation Portable, or PSP, handheld...
The availability of the iPhone 4 from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) on the Verizon Wireless network is expected to be be a big win for the carrier, a joint venture between Verizon Communications Inc....
Now that Verizon Wireless has struck a deal with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) to offer the iPhone on Verizon’s wireless network, everyone expects the carrier to profit handsomely from the deal. But...
The head of Android operations at Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) says that the adoption of the mobile operating system has gotten a substantial lift from outside the United States. That does nothing to tell...
The new tax package made it through the first stage of Congressional approval. (Reuters) The federal government began the process of setting higher capital requirements for US banks. (Reuters) China...
Global smartphone sales rose by nearly 100% in the third quarter of 2010 compared with the same period last year. That allowed Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Research In Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM)  to pick...
Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ) made a mistake when it bought Palm. It is about to make a much more costly mistake in launching  a series of smartphones that run the rickety Palm webOS, scheduled for...
Google Inc.  (NASDAQ: GOOG) is testing the old “why buy the cow if the milk is free” cliché with the Android Mobile OS.  The question remains whether the search engine giant will ever earn a...
Google Inc.’s  (NASDAQ:  GOOG)  Android mobile phone operating system continues to eat away at the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:  AAPL) iPhone’s lead in the smartphone market. According to ChangeWave...
Apple may have the largest application store in the world with 200,000 apps and nearly 4 billion downloads. But, software developers see Google’s (NASDAQ: GOOG) Android as the mobile platform of...