Google Android

Google Android Articles

According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, Windows Phone operating systems from Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) will capture 4% of the US smartphone market in 2012. While still trailing...
In May the International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled that certain Motorola Mobility smartphones could not be imported into the United States beginning today because the phones infringed on a patent...
Shares of Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) set a new 52-week low of $2.00 today. The one-time leader in sales of mobile phones did not have any news, but the company’s prospects are not encouraging to...
Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) is nothing if not determined to slice off a share of Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) dominance of the market for personal media. At the company’s I/O developer’s...
courtesy Barnes & Noble Inc.At a hastily arranged event scheduled for today at 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time, Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) is expected to announce a new tablet device to be built...
Shares of Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) rose more than 12% last week, about half that on Friday as rumors swirled that the company might be acquired. Nokia, now partners with Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT)...
Growth in mobile phone shipments this year is expected to be about 4%, the lowest growth rate since 2009. That’s according to the latest global mobile phone tracking data from IDC. Total phone...
Since its introduction just over two years ago, the iPad from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) has either been the only tablet device on the market or the biggest seller by a very wide margin. According to...
Canadian-based smartphone maker Research in Motion Ltd. (NASDAQ: RIMM) is expected to fire about 2,000 employees as soon as the end of this week as the struggling company tries to save itself by...
Two years ago Cisco Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) introduced a tablet device it had named the ‘Cius’, which used the Android operating system from Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG). The7-inch device was...
Even the whittled down version of the patent infringement lawsuit that Oracle Corp. (NASDAQ: ORCL) brought against Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) didn’t pass a San Francisco jury today. The federal...
Shares of Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) touched a new 52-week low today at $3.12. The struggling handset maker has been hit with a class-action lawsuit charging that the company misled investors regarding...
Some fast backpedaling by Korea’s LG Electronics has apparently stopped the claim by a Korean newspaper that the electronics giant is ditching Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) and the US company’s...
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) today ruled in favor of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (NYSE: MMI) — soon to complete its acquisition by Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) — in a trade case...
The Android smartphone operating system from Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) grabbed nearly 70% of sales in China during the fourth quarter of 2011 according to a new report from Chinese research firm...