
health Articles

When we are young, we rarely think of retirement, but come a certain point in life and retirement feels like it is fast approaching — welcome or not. How we feel about retirement largely depends on...
They say it takes a village to raise a child, much less a family. In today’s modern context, the “village” is often the support network from the local municipality, state, or federal...
Look, let’s be honest—we should all be avoiding every brand of cigarette out there. Cigarettes are, of course, unhealthy (even the ones that don’t show up on this list). Still, if...
Some states have such severe demographic and economic problems that most residents should live elsewhere if they can. While this may seem severe, there are routinely lists of best states. These are...
Life expectancy at birth in the United States is now 76.1 years, the lowest it has been since 1996 – a decline due largely to COVID-19 and to the rise in drug overdoses. (These are 30 famous people...
Barring factors outside of our control, the key to living a long life is simple — at first glance. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise regularly, don’t smoke, and get between six and eight...
Many people see pharmacists as the white-coated, behind-the-counter individuals who dispense pills in a bottle. While they do perform that important service, they are also capable of a lot more....
Most people know they have to head to the hospital if their chest hurts or if they can’t breathe. And they know they should get tested for COVID-19 if they have a fever, discomfort breathing, loss...
Most people don’t think of coffee — and the caffeine that packs its punch — as a drug, but it is, and it is possibly the most widely consumed drug in the world. In the United States, up to 90%...