
helicopters Articles

Modern military doctrine leans heavily on the concept of air superiority, meaning for nations to be successful in military operations they must control the skies. Although most think of the United...
Attack helicopters play a significant role in NATO’s military capabilities across various combat scenarios. They are designed primarily with offense in mind whether it comes to engaging ground...
The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) was formed in May 1948, right after Israel’s Declaration of Independence. And ever since then, Israel has been in constant conflict with Palestine. It is one of the...
When it comes to the top air forces globally, the United States, Russia, and China are at the forefront, thanks to their massive fleets and advanced technology. Air power is a large part of a...
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi recently died in a helicopter crash over this past weekend. The Bell 212 carrying Raisi and several other officials, including Foreign Minister Hossein...
The UH-60 Black Hawk, introduced by Sikorsky Aircraft in 1979, is one of the most popular military helicopters worldwide. Serving as a key element of the U.S. Army and numerous other militaries...
Combat helicopters play an important role within NATO’s military capabilities, offering a combination of firepower, versatility, and rapid deployment necessary for modern warfare. Since the Vietnam...
During World War II, the Soviet Union was relatively limited in terms of its naval power. In fact, the Red Army relied mainly on its ground forces to achieve success over the course of the conflict....
The Apache attack helicopter, also known as the AH-64 Apache, is the pinnacle of modern military aviation in all its variants. It was originally introduced in 1986, despite having its first flight as...
The timely updating of military forces to stay current with technology is an ever important facet of maintaining an effective fighting force. Upgrades constantly take place to improve weapons systems...
The Vietnam War has been called America’s “Helicopter War” as the addition of helicopters changed much of how war was handled. These helicopters had many roles, ranging from transport, search...
The ongoing Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine has proven costly on both sides, but this past week seems to be in favor of Ukraine as Ukrainian forces are claiming to have destroyed a number...