
history Articles

If you were born between 1965 and 1974, you’re in the best decade of your life—your 50s! The angst and insecurity of youth are mostly behind you. You’ve experienced relationships,...
What does it mean to be a game changer? It means that after the introduction of this weapon, armies and battlefields had to fundamentally change how they fought in order to overcome it. There are...
The technology of killing other humans faster, more easily, and in greater numbers is always advancing, but one thing remains the same: the method of killing usually relies on shooting small...
The dictionary defines “strategy” as “a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal.” In military terms, of course, the goal is almost always victory over the enemy, or at least...
Before the United States became independent, wars plagued North America, as the British, French, and Spaniards fought for control of the early colonies, with Native Americans sometimes fighting...
As we enter the spring and summer after that, people are going to be looking to go places and do things. International travel is still problematic because we’re not done with the pandemic just yet,...
You might consider yourself a very rational person, but then something as simple as a calendar date or a number makes you feel differently about things. You might think twice about boarding a plane...
The history of Mediterranean Europe and the Middle East is one of conquest. Dozens of empires have come and gone, each leaving their mark on the places they’ve conquered. Many cities that still...
In the years before the start of the Civil War, marked by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, the U.S. military was already constructing defensive fortifications around major cities, often along...