
hotel Articles

The next time you are looking to book an overnight stay, consider a visit to one of the world’s most opulent hotels. Yes, it may require you to sell your car or house to afford a night, but the...
With so many hotel options available to travelers, there is no surprise both good and bad options are available. For the boomer crowd, the most popular choices often include friendly staff and clean...
Hotels can be wonderful places, welcoming and comfortable. A good hotel staff can truly make guests feel “at home.” Some lodgings have been installed in architecturally stunning buildings, so...
Short-term rental growth continues to outpace growth in hotel rooms, even after the pandemic.
Want to time-travel on your next vacation? Staying at the oldest hotel in whichever state you’re visiting will do the trick, offering at least a glimpse of an earlier era. From colonial inns to...
Tipping customs vary significantly across the globe, with some countries having little or no tipping culture. In those places, offering a gratuity to restaurant or hotel workers, taxi drivers, and...
There are about 91,000 hotels in the U.S. It has been one of the most profitable parts of the travel industry for most of the last several decades. The COVID-19 pandemic nearly destroyed it. Travel...