
inflation Articles

ThinkstockJames Bullard, President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, may have inadvertently caused a small stir in the markets on Friday. After Janet Yellen has been speaking about exceptionally low...
ThinkstockThe U.S. Labor Department released its consumer inflation report on Thursday morning. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the key measurement of inflation at the retail level, and it is...
ThinkstockThe Producer Price Index (PPI) measures wholesale inflation, and the April readings are mostly in line with those from March. The headline PPI for final demand was up 0.6% in April, above...
ThinkstockMost investors and savers worry about inflation through time. The problem is that deflation may be even worse. The latest round of import and export prices for the month of April confirms...
ThinkstockProductivity and unit labor costs were very mixed in the first quarter of 2013. Much of this seems to be weather related, and the first reminder we would make is that this economic report...
ThinkstockThe first quarter of 2014 was painfully slow. You likely now know what the blame was — weather. It is also seen in many corporate earnings reports that have come out in the past two...
ThinkstockWith all the funny money printed and quantitative easing measures after the recession, it has been amazing that the cost of goods has not risen through the roof. In fact, it has baffled...
ThinkstockThe Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the month of March did not follow the exact same gains as last week’s Producer Price Index. That generally takes two months or even more before producers...
ThinkstockIf the Federal Reserve ever wanted to see some inflation — as they keep claiming (careful what you wish for) — the Labor Department just gave a first piece of candy to a child. The...
ThinkstockNarayana Kocherlakota, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, was speaking on Tuesday in a monetary policy report at the Rochester, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. The first...
ThinkstockWe now have the report for personal income and spending for the month of February. This data is now effectively a month old, so we were only expecting the news to move markets if it was way...
Janet Yellen made a bit of a surprise on Wednesday in her FOMC statement and then again in her press conference. The 6.5% unemployment rate threshold has been lightly removed, in part due to the...
Ed Brown, via Wikimedia CommonsThe Labor Department is out with two different reports on Thursday, both of which matter in the grand scheme of things. January inflation via the Consumer Price Index...
ThinkstockJanuary’s Producer Price Index has been released, and the wholesale inflation report is looking a bit more heated than what was expected. This report may be skewed or harder to compare on...
ThinkstockWhen Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan said to avoid emerging markets in 2014, many investors and market participants thought that the firms were merely sticking to a 2013 trend for too long....