International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund Articles

Against the backdrop of a trade war with the United States and a crumbling economy, Moody's has downgraded the rating of Turkey's sovereign paper from Ba3 from Ba2 and changed its rating outlook to...
Venezuela's inflation is pegged to hit 1,000,000% this year according to the IMF. That's in the same league as German inflation in the 1920s and Zimbabwean inflation in the first decade of this...
The IMF's World Economic Outlook Update finds the global and U.S. economies in good shape but offered some new warnings.
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde's recent forecast was particularly dim. She pointed out the sharp threat to global economic growth posed by trade wars.
The IMF will help the Argentinian economy and its people with a financial package of $50 billion, even though its government has been notoriously unstable.
The IMF will give Argentina $50 billion in aid, a major round of layoffs is coming to McDonald's, Monsanto is no more, and other important headlines.
Xerox CEO resigns after a bungled merger, Snap's horrible quarterly results hurt its share price, Amazon to upgrade Prime benefits, and other important headlines.
The IMF posted its comments last week as the organization marked the 10th anniversary of the global financial meltdown. Whether the warnings are fair or not is another matter The primary advice for...
The April 2018 update to the IMF's World Economic Outlook includes some upbeat forecasts for near-term economic growth but warns that medium-term growth faces several threats.
Managing Director Christine Lagarde said nations must improve trade relations and long-term financials and build income equality while "the sun is still shining."
IMF warns global trade wars could cripple the economy, Kroger to add over 10,000 new workers, Theranos fires most of its staff, and other important headlines.
The International Monetary Fund has bumped up its estimate for global GDP growth in 2018 and 2019. The forecast did come with several warnings.
The IMF on Thursday released its financial system stability report on China. While applauding the country's growth, the IMF warns that more effort is needed both to stabilize and rationalize the...
Saudi Arabia may drop its plan to take huge oil company Aramco public Social Security benefits will probably rise 2% next year Bloomberg reports that California wildfires have grown substantially and...
In a new report, the IMF has also shown that some of the world's largest financial institutions could struggle to remain sufficiently profitable in the coming years.