International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund Articles

Americans are used to the U.S. being the leader, or a top-ranked nation, in many areas. But in a number of industries and businesses, the U.S. has lost that first place, usually to China. While some,...
Recently, a series of roadside bombs killed 11 people and injured dozens more in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The attacks were part of coordinated assaults by insurgent elements around the country...
Sometimes it is almost hard to imagine that a news story did not start in the tabloids.  The financial world and the political world have been shocked by news that the International Monetary...
Nearly all the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assessments of large, developed economies read the same now. The agency calls them “Statements of Mission.” They are released once the IMF staff...
Many investors in sovereign debt and euro zone nations which put up hundreds of billions of dollars are anxious to see if Greek moves toward default on its national paper. A number of investment...
Several prominent economist who have apparently been slumbering the last three years suddenly awoke this week and, upon an examination of the global financial situation, said that unemployment was...
The IMF (International Monetary Fund) increased its forecast for global economic growth to 4.5% for this year and 4.25% for 2011. The agency added a major set of cautions: “Despite the stronger...